Monday, March 22, 2010

Your Summer Body: Cutting Body Fat and Building Lean Muscle

Everyone it is start getting in shape for SUMMER! Beginning a new diet and training regiment NOW will be a great idea if you are trying to attain that beach body, or perhaps actually follow through with your new years resolution to get in shape. To do this, one thing is required of you--COMMITMENT.

Here is how you start:

Change your diet:
- You can lose significant amounts of body fat by simply changing what you eat and when you eat.
  • Eat a big breakfast with foods such as eggs and other lean proteins. Kashi cereals are also a very smart choice as they have a great source of energy, protein and fiber.
  • Eat a large lunch to provide you with energy and good carbs. My best suggestion and proven method is making a plate with a mountain (seriously) of fruit and vegetables. You can also throw in some slices of cheese for variety. Chop up your fruit and veggies. I would reccommend:
-Red, yellow, and orange peppers (green peppers are not very flavorful).
- Carrots
- Apples
- Kiwis
- Bananas
- And if you are truly dedicated- Brocolli

  • Greek yogurt is also an awesome choice. It is scientifically proven that eating one serving of yogurt per day lowers body fat, and Greek yogurt is ideal because of its low fat and sugar contents as well as its high level of protein--> usually around 15 grams.
  • As far as beverages Green Tea is proven to increase metabolism because of its high levels of antioxidants (EGCG)
  • Acai juice if you can purchase it.
  • Most importantly : DRINK A LOT OF WATER. Water helps flush toxins and fats out of your body before they can be stored!
  • Lower- your consumption of SUGAR, which is direct cause of body fat % increases. Also beware of SATURATED fats.
  • As for dinner consume lean proteins. Wheat pasta is also a good choice.
More coming on a Workout Regiment. For now refer to " 500 rep abs" included in the blog.

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