Thursday, January 8, 2009

Train for Power: Core and Lower Body

To anybody who loves those workouts where you wake up the next day feeling like you actually did something--here's a good one your legs.

Front Squats
Set x Reps 3x10,8,6

Note: Front Squats may not be the most popular of moves, but they are certainly effective. They demand a much stronger center of balance. The core is trained more opposed to the traditional back squat because a large portion of the muscles being used to support the weight are recruited from the core. Don't worry so much about weight. Focus on proper form: getting a good deep squat, while maintaining a straight back.

Back Squats
Sets x Reps 3x10,8,8

Overhead Squats
Sets x Reps 3x8

Romanian Deadlifts (dumbbell or barbell) OR Deadlifts (regular)
Sets x Reps 3x10 Sets x Reps 3x10

Finish this workout with a 10 minute jog. And be sure to STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH!-you'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sleep: The Free and Easy Way to Train Your Body and Mind

If you're missing out on a few z's, you might be missing out on getting better-at everything. I'm not just saying that sleep will make you more mentally alert, which it will--I'm saying that sleep will help aid muscle growth and recovery, increase athletic performance, and enable your mind to better retain information. If you are weight training, endurance running etc., you are cheating yourself--you are limiting your potential. But wait, there's more! Lack of sleep also weakens your willpower because your body and mind are both tired. This will lead to a less intense workout and an inability to workout with high intensity. Yes, of course, there will be some times when you're going to miss out on sleep, but it is very important to sleep more when you can-especially before athletic events (games, meets, etc.). The recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours. Add "sleeping more" to your new years resolutions-it will help you get that better body and happier mind.