Thursday, January 8, 2009

Train for Power: Core and Lower Body

To anybody who loves those workouts where you wake up the next day feeling like you actually did something--here's a good one your legs.

Front Squats
Set x Reps 3x10,8,6

Note: Front Squats may not be the most popular of moves, but they are certainly effective. They demand a much stronger center of balance. The core is trained more opposed to the traditional back squat because a large portion of the muscles being used to support the weight are recruited from the core. Don't worry so much about weight. Focus on proper form: getting a good deep squat, while maintaining a straight back.

Back Squats
Sets x Reps 3x10,8,8

Overhead Squats
Sets x Reps 3x8

Romanian Deadlifts (dumbbell or barbell) OR Deadlifts (regular)
Sets x Reps 3x10 Sets x Reps 3x10

Finish this workout with a 10 minute jog. And be sure to STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH!-you'll be glad you did.

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